Your fertility is yours. It has always been yours. And it’s time to take it back.

You’ve just started trying for a baby or maybe it hasn’t happened yet for you after trying for a few months. So where do you go from here?

Step 1: Figure out if you are ovulating

Step 2: Know when you are ovulating

Step 3: Make use of you fertile window

That may seem really easy and straight forward – which is is – BUT if you haven’t actively looked at this yet, from now on you are going to increase your chances of falling pregnant faster significantly when you do! 

With my course Your Fertile Window, you can learn to do exactly that as well as find out if your cycles are healthy enough to fall pregnant.

Ready to do more?

YESS!! On popular demand, I'm making this workshop for you as followup to my recent video on the 5 things to find answers to when TTC near/in your forties. 
Comment "Fertility Focus" and I'll send you the link in your DM.

Not in or near your forties yet? I think you will still enjoy it, because the point of this masterclass is to strip holistic fertility treatment to the code most important issues to include since when in your forties.. no time to dabble around with low impact solutions. ♥️

YESS!! On popular demand, I`m making this workshop for you as followup to my recent video on the 5 things to find answers to when TTC near/in your forties.
Comment "Fertility Focus" and I`ll send you the link in your DM.

Not in or near your forties yet? I think you will still enjoy it, because the point of this masterclass is to strip holistic fertility treatment to the code most important issues to include since when in your forties.. no time to dabble around with low impact solutions. ♥️

If there is one thing that can make you feel like you have 0 control... it is trying to get pregnant. Let alone when you are nearing your 40s or are in your 40s and the whole internet and their sister tells you your chances are non-existent. 
The good news is that you DO have control, you have control over creating the best circumstances for a pregnancy to happen, so yes you can influence the outcome of your TTC attempts! REGARDLESS of your age.
Don't fall for the fake control that costs you your true influence on your fertility.

Want to reclaim your fertility holistically as you try for a baby in your (or while approaching) your 40s? DM me Fertile Forties and I'll send you the link to the live program I'm starting in 7 days!

If there is one thing that can make you feel like you have 0 control... it is trying to get pregnant. Let alone when you are nearing your 40s or are in your 40s and the whole internet and their sister tells you your chances are non-existent.
The good news is that you DO have control, you have control over creating the best circumstances for a pregnancy to happen, so yes you can influence the outcome of your TTC attempts! REGARDLESS of your age.
Don`t fall for the fake control that costs you your true influence on your fertility.

Want to reclaim your fertility holistically as you try for a baby in your (or while approaching) your 40s? DM me Fertile Forties and I`ll send you the link to the live program I`m starting in 7 days!

📣 COMING SOON 🎬 Yessss! This is my newest video in the make, I'm just taking a break from editing to share this sneak peek with you.
If you are nearing your 40s or are in your 40s and you're trying to get pregnant naturally soon, then you don't want to miss this video.

You need to find the answers to the 5 questions I share in this video so you can find out how much time you have left and how to lengthen and boost the quality of your remaining fertile years. And with your, I mean plural.. you and your man, because no one is fertile by themselves.. well, except my walking sticks.

Comment "5 questions" and you'll receive the link to this new video as soon as it goes live!

📣 COMING SOON 🎬 Yessss! This is my newest video in the make, I`m just taking a break from editing to share this sneak peek with you.
If you are nearing your 40s or are in your 40s and you`re trying to get pregnant naturally soon, then you don`t want to miss this video.

You need to find the answers to the 5 questions I share in this video so you can find out how much time you have left and how to lengthen and boost the quality of your remaining fertile years. And with your, I mean plural.. you and your man, because no one is fertile by themselves.. well, except my walking sticks.

Comment "5 questions" and you`ll receive the link to this new video as soon as it goes live!

So ready when you are!! 🔎🪻🦋

Missed the buzz? Check the highlight CIYC🔎 on my profile to learn more and for the sign up link. You might be just in time to join the live session or be the first to get the replay. Doors close tonight and this is the only round that I will give personal feedback on your chart as bonus. Whatchawaitingfor? 💗

So ready when you are!! 🔎🪻🦋

Missed the buzz? Check the highlight CIYC🔎 on my profile to learn more and for the sign up link. You might be just in time to join the live session or be the first to get the replay. Doors close tonight and this is the only round that I will give personal feedback on your chart as bonus. Whatchawaitingfor? 💗

It seems to be the first fertility fix that crosses most women's path: progesterone cream. 

Or suppositories for that matter.

Miscarriage? Try some progesterone. 
Mid-cycle spotting? Have some progesterone.
My cycles are too short. Maybe it's progesterone.
My cycles are too long. Maybe it's progesterone.
You have PCOS. You need to take progesterone.

And I get it... we're told that progesterone is the pregnancy hormone, so if pregnancy doesn't happen or babies don't stick... progesterone is the first reasonable thing to consider. 

But what if it's not your progesterone?

Will taking progesterone help? No, of course not.

Or what if you are low on progesterone... but it is actually symptom and not the cause?

Will taking progesterone then "work"?

Not likely, because although it may appear to fix the progesterone issue, the underlying cause is untouched.. and that in itself may prevent you from falling pregnant or staying pregnant long enough to carry your baby to term, for different reasons.

The quick fix you hope that taking progesterone will be, then only makes your trying to get pregnant period longer, because you are focusing on the wrong issue.

So how do you know if low progesterone is "your issue"? And if it's not, how do you figure out what is?

On the Clues in Your Charts🔎 I lift the veil of all the secrets about hormone imbalance and immune dysfunction your chart can show you. 

You will learn:
🕵️‍♀️ How to read your temperatures (and not freak out with every dip or spike)
🕵️‍♀️ What to make of your ovulation tests (nope that is not that you ARE ovulating and yes they say something about your hormone balance too)
🕵️‍♀️ How to see if you are close to menopause or you have some time despite how ancient society has been calling you
🕵️‍♀️ If you have low progesterone and what is causing it (because it usually isn’t “just”  progesterone deficiency
🕵️‍♀️ That your physical symptoms match up with your charts and tell a bigger of the hormone imbalance or inflammation you are facing (after all a picture says more than a thousand words!)

Doors close July 6th, check the highlight CIYC on my profile for more information and the signup link. 🔎

It seems to be the first fertility fix that crosses most women`s path: progesterone cream. 

Or suppositories for that matter.

Miscarriage? Try some progesterone. 
Mid-cycle spotting? Have some progesterone.
My cycles are too short. Maybe it`s progesterone.
My cycles are too long. Maybe it`s progesterone.
You have PCOS. You need to take progesterone.

And I get it... we`re told that progesterone is the pregnancy hormone, so if pregnancy doesn`t happen or babies don`t stick... progesterone is the first reasonable thing to consider.

But what if it`s not your progesterone?

Will taking progesterone help? No, of course not.

Or what if you are low on progesterone... but it is actually symptom and not the cause?

Will taking progesterone then "work"?

Not likely, because although it may appear to fix the progesterone issue, the underlying cause is untouched.. and that in itself may prevent you from falling pregnant or staying pregnant long enough to carry your baby to term, for different reasons.

The quick fix you hope that taking progesterone will be, then only makes your trying to get pregnant period longer, because you are focusing on the wrong issue.

So how do you know if low progesterone is "your issue"? And if it`s not, how do you figure out what is?

On the Clues in Your Charts🔎 I lift the veil of all the secrets about hormone imbalance and immune dysfunction your chart can show you.

You will learn:
🕵️‍♀️ How to read your temperatures (and not freak out with every dip or spike)
🕵️‍♀️ What to make of your ovulation tests (nope that is not that you ARE ovulating and yes they say something about your hormone balance too)
🕵️‍♀️ How to see if you are close to menopause or you have some time despite how ancient society has been calling you
🕵️‍♀️ If you have low progesterone and what is causing it (because it usually isn’t “just” progesterone deficiency
🕵️‍♀️ That your physical symptoms match up with your charts and tell a bigger of the hormone imbalance or inflammation you are facing (after all a picture says more than a thousand words!)

Doors close July 6th, check the highlight CIYC on my profile for more information and the signup link. 🔎

1 in 6 adults struggles with infertility globally

1 in 4 couples

Every conversation I have these days in which people ask me what I do, ends in them sharing their own, their child's or sister's infertility journey.

The butcher. The notary. The realtor. The neighbor. The guy that comes over to fix the window. The lady at the checkout. The teacher. The flight attendant. The delivery guy.

And yet

you have to try for at least a year until any doctor will even consider running the most basic fertility tests for you.






It is exactly why being able to chart your cycle accurately and understand its patterns to pick up on hormone imbalance or inflammation can easily save you a year of trying.

A year less of dropping egg quality, a year further from menopause, a year less of loss and grief.

Because when you see signs of:
🔎 Low progesterone --> you can start working on that
🔎 A sluggish thyroid --> you can start working on that
🔎 Estrogen dominance --> you can start working on that
🔎 PCOS --> you can start working on that
🔎 Inflammation --> you can start working on that
🔎 ...

You get the picture 😊

By the time "they" will finally "let" you have a simple hormone panel run, you will have already gotten on top of these issues, and likely already have held your positive test. I mean, in a year's time, you could have already had a full pregnancy, delivered and be nursing your baby.

A lot can happen in a year. Not if you're only waiting.

Don't miss what your chart is trying to tell you now. Stop trying "things", hoping "something will stick". Choose supplements, lifestyle changes or even treatment that are aligned with your personal fertility hurdles.
Doors to Clues in Your Charts 🔎 close this Friday!

1 in 6 adults struggles with infertility globally

1 in 4 couples

Every conversation I have these days in which people ask me what I do, ends in them sharing their own, their child`s or sister`s infertility journey.

The butcher. The notary. The realtor. The neighbor. The guy that comes over to fix the window. The lady at the checkout. The teacher. The flight attendant. The delivery guy.

And yet

you have to try for at least a year until any doctor will even consider running the most basic fertility tests for you.






It is exactly why being able to chart your cycle accurately and understand its patterns to pick up on hormone imbalance or inflammation can easily save you a year of trying.

A year less of dropping egg quality, a year further from menopause, a year less of loss and grief.

Because when you see signs of:
🔎 Low progesterone --> you can start working on that
🔎 A sluggish thyroid --> you can start working on that
🔎 Estrogen dominance --> you can start working on that
🔎 PCOS --> you can start working on that
🔎 Inflammation --> you can start working on that
🔎 ...

You get the picture 😊

By the time "they" will finally "let" you have a simple hormone panel run, you will have already gotten on top of these issues, and likely already have held your positive test. I mean, in a year`s time, you could have already had a full pregnancy, delivered and be nursing your baby.

A lot can happen in a year. Not if you`re only waiting.

Don`t miss what your chart is trying to tell you now. Stop trying "things", hoping "something will stick". Choose supplements, lifestyle changes or even treatment that are aligned with your personal fertility hurdles.
Doors to Clues in Your Charts 🔎 close this Friday!