Want to learn how to restore your fertility with homeopathic detoxing?
Where can I order detox remedies?
There are only a few homeopathic pharmacies – that I know of – that source the detox remedy combinations in your detox protocol. Don’t worry though, I’ve got your back! An email will be sent to you after you have placed your protocol order with pharmacy details.
My number 1 recommendation for anyone in the world is to order with Helios pharmacy in London, UK. They ship out internationally (so yes, including USA, Canada, Europe, Asia) with the exception of the UAE and do not require a referral from a practitioner.
If you want to order with Hahnemann Apotheek in the Netherlands or with PS11 Collective in the USA (your option if you are UAE based), then you will need to order order a referral from me here.
If you are part of the Fertility Reclaim, you can get a prescription from me without any additional cost! Request it via the helpdesk link provided in the confirmation email of your purchase.
I would like to order with Source Homeopathy
Source Homeopathy is not available anymore. We recommend ordering from Helios for anyone in the world except if you are based in the UAE. If you still want to order from a US pharmacy or are based in the UAE, you can order a referral from me here to get access to the PS11 Collective.
If you are part of the Fertility Reclaim, you can get a prescription from me without any additional cost! Request it via the helpdesk link provided in the confirmation email of your purchase.
I cannot see the mentioned remedies on the website of the pharmacy
For regulation reasons, sometimes poly combinations are indeed not listed on the websites. Make sure to order from Helios via their contact form and to list the exact remedies and potencies you need when you order with them. An email has been sent to you with a list you can copy paste onto the order form. If you want to order with PS11 Collective or Hahnemann Apotheek, you need to order a referral from me here.
If you are part of the Fertility Reclaim, you can get a prescription from me without any additional cost! Request it via the helpdesk link provided in the confirmation email of your purchase.
How much/which size bottle should I order of each remedy?
With Helios the size per bottle can be either 4gp (about 100 sugar pills) or 4g (about 80 lactose tablets). With PS11 Collective, size “packet” will suffice initially for most people.
With Hahnemann Apotheek, ask for the “reeks”.
Should you need more when doing the individualized dosing method, you can always order extra. When contacting other pharmacies, please ask for their advise in ordering sizes.
How much do homeopathic remedies cost?
Relatively little compared to drugs or supplements. Costs per bottle range from $4.50-7.00 / EUR 5.50-8.00. With Hahnemann Apotheek about EUR 25-30 per detox.
Can I do detoxes at the same time?
No, you need to do the protocols one by one.
However, all fertility drugs can be detoxed at the same time, so can lots of different metals or different contraceptives at the same time, as for each of these groups remedies are available.
This even more important with the individualized dosing method as you need to assess your reactions to know when to pause and (re)start.
Can we continue to try for a baby while detoxing?
Yes you can while detoxing the synthetic hormones (labor drugs, fertility drugs, plastics, contraceptives and steroids).
For detoxing the metals, it is advised to pause trying to conceive. I know this can be a hard pill (haha) to swallow, however, if you suffer from metal toxicity it is well worth the sacrifice of 2-3 cycles and reduce the risk of miscarrying amongst other risks. Pausing is advised no matter if both you and you partner are doing the detox, or just you. You can read more about metal toxicity here.
I recommend to wait with trying at least until the first cycle after completing the detox. Ideally though, you wait for 3 cycles because eggs/sperm develop over a period of 90 days, meaning the eggs/sperm released 3 months after completing the detox are the ones where metals have been cleared the most.
Can I continue to detox when I think I might be pregnant or have a positive pregnancy test?
If you are detoxing synthetic hormones, I recommend that you just continue detoxing until you have a positive test so that you don’t lose valuable detoxing time in case you aren’t pregnant. Then when you do get that positive, I suggest you stop. Not because it is harmful, just because your body and baby deserve all the resources.
If you are detoxing metals, you shouldn’t even have been trying 😉 I know I know, sometimes the passion gets the better of you. Just stop detoxing the moment you think you may have conceived.
Can I continue detoxing while I have my period?
Yes absolutely!
Can I continue detoxing during IVF/fertility treatment?
There isn’t harm in doing that for the same reasons it isn’t a problem to do so while trying to conceive naturally. However, I don’t recommend it as there isn’t much of a point. With the IVF/fertility treatment you continue to get synthetic hormones that influence your hormonal system. As such, your hormonal system isn’t getting the chance to do it’s “own thing” and rebalance with the homeopathic detox protocol.
Which order should I do the detoxes in?
Which order you should detox in, is explained in the protocols. As participant of the Fertility Reclaim, you can ask for help in the support group if you have trouble figuring out the order that is best for you personally.
I have some questions about my reactions to the detox
In the protocols there is some information about common reactions. However, we can understand that it can sometimes be confusing what is going on and that some support and insight from Ingefleur can be helpful. As participant of the Fertility Reclaim, you can ask for help in the support group.
Can I continue with my prenatal & other supplements while detoxing?
Most definitely! These will only help in providing you the building blocks to rebalance your hormonal system or to support your organs in removing metals in the case of the heavy metals detox.
Can I continue with my thyroid medication / other medication?
I would definitely recommend to continue and only stop any prescribed medication with your prescribing practitioner.
In the case of thyroid medication, you should look out for hyperthyroid symptoms such as getting agitated, feeling hungry quickly, or sweating & feeling hot. If you get these symptoms, contact your prescribing practitioner as this means your thyroid is picking up the pace again and your medication should likely be lowered.
If you are currently taking steroids, there isn’t much point to detox the steroids at the same time. If you would like help with diminishing the side effects with remedies while still using steroids, then tailored treatment is recommended.
Can I continue with Maca / Vitex while detoxing?
I don’t recommend for you to do this. The whole idea of the detoxes is that your hormone system recovers balance and this is hard to monitor when you are taking these herbs. Also I do not recommend Maca at all in thyroid conditions and with Vitex I also am hesitant in most cases. I have written a Vitex article series where you can read more about this.