Have you ever wondered if having used the contraceptive pill for years has an impact on your fertility today? Or what the effects are of living in the city on your husbands sperm quality or count? Or why your cycles have become irregular since using fertility drugs?
It’s time to remove the baggage from your system and restore your fertility.
My experience as a natural fertility specialist is that past use of synthetic hormones can cause hormonal imbalance years later and that a heavy metal overload can make us prone to infertility and miscarriages.
This is why detoxing things like contraceptives, fertility drugs, steroids, labor drugs and metals are a huge part of what I do every day to help couples bring back their fertility.
Detoxing homeopathically isn’t hard but you need to know what you are doing.
Up until now, the only way to do it, was with a trained homeopath. Unless you found a protocol somewhere tucked away in a blog, that doesn’t help you with trouble-shooting when you are getting healing reactions.
In the past I offered e-books in which I explained homeopathic detoxing. This information is now available only under the Fertility Reclaim program.
Synthetic hormones leave a lasting imprint on your hormonal system that blocks your natural hormone balance. You can’t fix hormonal problems without removing that imprint.
Contraceptives in particular stop your entire cycle. Restarting that cycle is hard for your body and sometimes impossible.
It is almost like your body doesn’t remember or dare to ovulate.
Detoxing those contraceptives gives your body room and permission to restart it’s natural cycle, ovulate timely, and produce enough estrogen and progesterone at the right time. Read more.
Heavy metals tend to build up in your body when you are exposed to them because your body has difficulty getting rid of them. They build up in organs but also in important hormonal glands like your adrenal glands and thyroid.
Heavy metals make you prone to miscarrying and damage the DNA of sperm and eggs.
Detoxing heavy metals restores thyroid and adrenal health and significantly increases your chances of conceiving and holding on to a pregnancy. Read more.
Steroids suppress your immune system and their imprint blocks your hormonal system.
This is even the case long after you have stopped taking them.
Removing that layer gives room for your own healing ability to restore natural hormone balance. Read more.
Synthetic hormones leave a lasting imprint on your hormonal system that blocks your natural hormone balance. You can’t fix hormonal problems without removing that imprint.
Fertility drugs can leave your ovaries in a state of overproduction but never releasing a good quality egg.
Labor drugs can leave your hormonal system out of balance and your adrenals in overdrive or depletion especially when you have oxytocin (pitocin/syntocinon). Read more.