Go straight to what you want to know:
I used to send most women to some good blog posts online for this. Nevertheless I still spend a lot of time in consultations trying to help women understand what it is and how to track it. So I knew this day would come that I’d write about it myself. After all… you are a fertility homeopath or not right? Whether you are squeamish about it or not at all (I am talking to those of you posting pictures in the trying to conceive groups!), if you want to do a good job at charting your cycle, you need to know about this. What am I talking about…? Cervical mucus!!
What is cervical mucus anyway?
Cervical mucus is the mucus that protects the cervix, which is the opening to the uterus. It has two jobs depending on the time in your cycle: protect and nourish.
The time in your cycle that you are fertile (around ovulation) the cervical mucus increases under influence of the hormone estrogen.
It becomes a clear stretchy or watery fluid that easily allows sperm through and nourishes it for the long journey to the fallopian tubes to find the egg.
The rest of your cycle, when you aren’t fertile, there is no need for anything to go up to the uterus and definitely not bacteria! That’s why the cervical mucus is then a different structure that makes it harder for bacteria & sperm to get through. It is also a lot more acidic and you can recognize it because it is opaque, more creamy, sticky or crumbly.
How to check for cervical mucus
Now that you know that cervical mucus changes throughout your cycle depending on your fertility, you understand why it is important to track it when charting [check out this video on why I feel EVERY woman should be charting & not just those that are trying to conceive].
The best way to track it, is by routinely checking throughout the day and noting what you saw. You do not need to necessarily get a sample with your fingers, it is enough to check the tissue every time you wipe when you go to the bathroom. Checking after a bowel movement may make it easier as that brings more of the cervical mucus to the vagina opening.
How to distinguish types of cervical mucus
Onto identifying with what cervical mucus you are dealing with! It’s good to mention that after menstruation some women do not notice any cervical mucus while some do right away. However, even if you don’t notice anything, it’s good to make a note of that too. It’s also important to know that every woman is different and there is variety in types of cervical mucus.
You should therefore track for a while to recognize your personal pattern.
I made you however a super easy infographic to help you identify your own. As a little help I have also noted also how to mark the type of cervical mucus in the 3 most popular apps. Save it to your phone or pin it to your pinterest board!
- Probably not fertile = you are not yet ovulating
- Maybe fertile = ovulation may be coming
- Fertile = close to ovulation
- Most fertile = ovulation is approaching
The general pattern you are likely to notice:
None -> Sticky -> Creamy → (watery) → Egg white -> Watery -> Creamy/Sticky/None
The most important however, is that you notice a change from dry to wet and that as you approach ovulation you get watery or raw egg white like cervical mucus.
What is this peak day thing about?
The cervical mucus peak day is the last day of fertile cervical mucus before a change back to less fertile cervical fluid. So in retrospect, what was the last day you had watery or egg white like mucus. Often this peak day corresponds with ovulation day, but not always.
Cervical mucus after ovulation
Once ovulation has passed, there is no need for fertile cervical mucus anymore & the cervix needs to go back to protecting the uterus against infections. Most women will therefore not notice any more cervical mucus after their fertile window, or will have sticky/tacky discharge that is whitish of color.
I often get the question if cervical mucus becomes different if you have conceived and if you can tell if you’re pregnant by what it looks like. Unfortunately the answer is not straight forward because all women are different.
It’s possible that you notice nothing, but some women report having had lots of watery cervical mucus in the earliest stage of pregnancy. If you experience the latter, it is likely this is due to the raised hormone levels from the pregnancy, but if you don’t have increased cervical mucus after you fertile window, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be pregnant! The same applies to implantation bleeding, which isn’t really bleeding but more like spotting that is light and pinkish of color. If you do get implantation bleeding, it is likely to happen between days 20-26 of your cycle.
Not getting fertile cervical mucus?
If you are not getting enough fertile mucus (raw egg white or watery) or not any at all:
- your hormone balance may be off
- you may be suffering from (underlying) thrush/candida (yeast infections) or a bacterial overgrowth
- you may suffer with general body acidity
While acidity & thrush require lifestyle changes including more rest, less caffeine & alcohol, and a reduction of sugar intake, homeopathic remedies can quicken the process of healing immensely! Depending on the specific symptoms a patient has, I like to prescribe Borax, Natrum Phosphoricum, Candida or a combination of any of these usually in a 6c (or 6k). On these remedies, changes in cervical mucus can be witnessed in the first cycle already.
Also hormone imbalance is generally easily resolved thorough homeopathic treatment. I usually start with detoxing the pill or other hormonal contraceptives my patient may have used.
Wondering when you are fertile and how fertile you really are? Sign up to my FREE course Your Fertile Window and learn to find your personal fertile window & to discover if you have a hormone imbalance.