Trying to conceive? Detox the contraceptive pill!

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How detoxing contraceptives restores your fertility.

My post about Faye detoxing the pill to resolve her PCOS, may have been one of my most popular posts! It was shared many times and my inbox flooded. In retrospect that makes sense because getting pregnant after the pill (or depo shots or coil) is not always that easy. Strangely enough I take detoxing the contraceptive pill in my fertility cases so much for granted, it never struck me to write about it… Silly me! Because of COURSE I should be telling you about the number 1 detox I use to restore fertility! So let me catch you up.

Want to get started with a homeopathic detox yourself right away? Join my program the Fertility Reclaim.

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The most important fertility cleanse: detoxing contraceptives

Yes, detoxing the contraceptives (pill, coil or depo shots) is the number 1 thing I detox in my clinic as a fertility homeopath. The reason for this is that a lot of women have had a ton of exposure to the synthetic hormones of the contraceptive pill.

Most women trying to conceive have used contraceptives for a long time. Especially those in their 20s and early 30s often have been on the pill since as young as 15 or 16 years old because their parents were scared their daughter would come home pregnant, or because their doctor prescribed it for acne or painful periods.

Add to that the fact that many women today are the daughters of the first women that were on the contraceptive pill and you have an idea of how big the exposure is exactly!

Not only that, most women that come to me for fertility treatment, as well as, their husbands constantly come into contact with water that is also riddled with synthetic hormones (nope, the filter system does not get those out!).

The pill prevents you from ovulating

The big question is though, why can it sometimes be so hard to get pregnant even after stopping the pill, right?

For that, we first need to talk about how hormonal birth control works.

Our natural hormone balance is not static, it’s a dance. The hormones fluctuate throughout your cycle so that you release an egg and can build a lining in your womb for a fertilized egg to settle.

By taking  synthetic hormonal contraception, that dance stops. Flooding your system with progestin and sometimes estrogen (combination pill) means that your pituitary gland is no longer told to produce the hormones:

  • FSH to develop an egg

  • and LH to release the egg

Although synthetic hormones also affect your hormone balance in other ways to prevent you from falling pregnant, the main focus is on preventing ovulation.

The (after-)effect of the pill on your fertility.

Now here is the reason why I am constantly detoxing the pill with my patients. You would think that as soon as you stop the pill, your natural hormone balance would return and you would start ovulating regularly again. This, however, often does not happen.

The immense amount of exposure to synthetic hormones that women have had these days, disrupts their hormonal cycle so much, their body just forgets how to ovulate altogether.

Even if a woman does ovulate after use of the pill, the pituitary gland seems to be so out of balance, that:

  • ovulation is either too early or too late

  • the egg doesn’t mature well enough to be fertilized

  • the ovaries produce too little progesterone to hold onto a pregnancy

A lot of women that do start ovulating again will notice they are still left with low progesterone and/or estrogen dominance.

It appears that although the synthetic hormones are no longer in your body, that they have left an imprint on your hormone system.

Detox the pill homeopathically

And so I detox the pill all the time. Detox may not be the right word because the synthetic hormones are no longer there. Detoxing the pill is more about removing that imprint that is left behind and regulating or restoring balance. It gets the pituitary gland back into action to stimulate the ovaries to develop and release a healthy egg. 

Detoxing the pill homeopathically tells your body “it’s ok to be fertile again”.

Time and time again I am amazed by the results of this particular detox:

And of course…. many women that have been trying to conceive without luck, often get pregnant during the contraceptives detox!

How long is a detox?

Detoxing contraceptives is different for everyone, sometimes only a 4-week detox is needed, standard is about 8 weeks. Personally, I have developed another special way of detoxing for my patients that is more thorough. This method takes anywhere between 1-3 months, depending on how you react.

Should you detox contraceptives?

It does not matter whether you have been trying for a while or are just starting out. Detoxing contraceptives is always one of the first things I do with new patients.

It does not matter whether you had the hormonal coil, the depo shot, the pill or the vaginal ring. It also does not matter how long you used the contraceptives for or how long ago it is.  I would always highly recommend to detox them homeopathically because it is usually the quickest win I can give you.

It is a gentle method, without side-effects and highly effective to restore your hormone balance, reestablish ovulation, and increase egg quality!

Other important detoxes I often do with patients to restore fertility:

Want to get started with detoxing birth controla right away? I teach this on my program Prep for Baby.

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