Josephine’s rainbow baby | Kali Carb & Ignatia

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Aaron, a few weeks old, stretched in his sleep as his mom put him in my arms. “Isn’t he just beautiful?“, Josephine asked me while staring at the face of her rainbow baby. Realising how much of an impact homeopathy can have, I could only nod swallowing tears of happiness for this young mom.

Although Josephine was early twenties and the doctors said she was healthy, month after month passed without a positive test. Every time her flow would start, she would send the firetruck emoticon together with a tearful emoticon to her husband.

Shortly into the consultation, however, I could see exactly what was going on. Very sadly Josephine had suffered a pregnancy loss the year before. Her baby was still born at 35 weeks pregnancy.

Ever since this heartbreaking event, she had been suffering with night sweats and with lower back pain. Her menstrual cycle was also completely different to before her pregnancy.

While she used to have textbook 28 day cycles, they now were 30-31. She also bled for 6 days every period instead of the 4 before her pregnancy. 

Josephine’s physical symptoms revealed that her body was still stuck in the pregnancy loss and her hormonal balance was completely out of whack.

I prescribed Kalium Carbonicum and the first night after taking it she woke only once with night sweats. The next night she didn’t wake at all and her back ache went. Kalium Carbonicum is a major remedy hormone imbalance remedy and back ache remedy. I therefore often use it in pregnancy itself, but also post-miscarriage, post-birth, during nursing, or during menopause.

Josephine’s cycle however, remained long. For the women that come to see me, grief is quite often the reason they are not conceiving. They have a history of miscarriages, or had a traumatic birth, a still born baby, or struggle with the guilt and grief over an abortion.

I suspected it was also grief over her lost baby that now kept Josephine from falling pregnant.

I therefore prescribed one of the major grief remedies called Ignatia, in a high potency. Within two cycles she was back to 28 days and fell pregnant with Aaron… her rainbow baby!

Are your struggling to fall pregnant following a miscarriage? Do you think your grief may be keeping your from conceiving again? You are not alone! Homeopathic remedies can help you release that grief and get your hormone balance back.

There are many grief remedies and although Ignatia may be just what you need, your case may require a different one. I would love to find it for you.